Sunday, 10 February 2013

Buys for This Week

I'm still trying to get out of my comfort-zone of books, videos & board games.
Still struggling with that - but managed to pick up up a couple of items I know nothing about, so I'm getting there!

I went to my local St Vinnies, and checked out their hideously over-priced books.  Then I spotted these 4 lots of books - in bundles of 5, all done up with a ribbon for $1 a bundle!  (Apologies for the blurred photo!)

I instantly spotted the name Betty Neels, and grabbed them.   Betty Neels is the most collectable Mills & Boon author.   She was a prolific writer - in most of her books, the male love interest was a Dutch doctor with an amusingly unpronounceable name.     Good on her!

I remember squillions of years ago when I had my bookshop, a lady came in specifically looking for Betty Neels and *only* Betty Neels.   Although there were numerous collectors that visited my shop, this lady told me that she only bought Betty Neels because there was no sexual content in the books, and these were the only romance books that were approved by her religion (not sure what faith she was of.)

I remembered it all this time.  A few years ago, I picked up a few vintage Mills & Boons of the 60's era - with gorgeous retro covers.   Much like these:

I decided to read one.  The story sounded sweet and  there was no man on the front cover looking like a skinned animal, and with no visible body hair (like the modern ones).  There would be no playing hide-the-sausage at all, let alone before Chapter 2.

The book started off predictable for that era.  She was 18 years old, and an air-head.  He was her boss, early 30s with the personality of a mushroom.    They got married and the inevitable spot of how's-your-father never occurred.      But get this - the best friend of the groom told her after a month of marriage that he *could tell by looking at her, that she hadn't done her wifely duty*.    So she let hubby get the leg-over and all was happy & bluebirds were singing.

I nearly gagged.   I'll never fall for those sweet front covers again!     Romance shmo-mance.  

 Back to the books - there were others in the bundles that weren't Mills & Boons - I peeked into the be-ribboned bundles and saw these were amongst them.

I know by trolling other book-sellers that Iris Bromige is a rare author, that people are on the look-out, so I snapped up all of them.   I put the 3 x Iris Bromige up for $7 each and this lot of Betty Neels for $29.99.

I love any of these Nightmare/Atmosfear games as you know.   I picked this up at a local church op-shop that only opens on Monday mornings.    It was $5.  The tight-wad in me nearly swallowed my tongue, but I knew I could get at least $25, so I reluctantly pulled the last amount of money out of my purse, releasing a flurry of hungry moths.

When I got home, I opened the box, and found all the pieces were still in original shrink-wrap.  Hurrah!
I put it up for $35 - and it sold a couple of days later.

This pyrex dish was $2.50.  It has no chips or marks.  People are always raving about Pyrex, so I picked it up.   It's pink with white flowers.  I guess if I can't sell it, I can keep it for myself.  I know absolutely *nothing* about Pyrex!

There is a Salvos that I recently discovered that sells their videos 5 for $1.  I go on a Tuesday morning, flash my low-income card and get 20% off - so that's 5 for 80 cents.  Woohoo, I am the last of the big spenders!

I was excited to find 5 blank video cassettes still sealed.

I added 3 others that I had at home, and put them up for $23.   

A Far Side mug that I got for 50 cents.  Haven't tried selling a mug before.   Yikes!

A friend wants me to sell this for her.   It is an Arabia Finland plate.  New ground here.

She also wants me to sell this Punky Brewster doll.  No comfort zone here.

This video re-winder is for me and my eBay business.  I often put videos in my VCR to test - press rewind and then I get distracted by something shiny.  My TV turns itself off in disgust at being ignored, and I have to turn everything on again.   Rinse & repeat.    So this item is fantastic!

I bought it on my Saturday morning op shop before I have lunch at my parents.   I plugged it in at their place and asked if they had some videos I could test on it.   My Mum found a couple and it seemed to struggle rewinding them.     I was disappointed, but at $3, it was worth the chance.

When I got it home, I sprayed WD-40 on the cogs, and now it's working perfectly!  Hurrah.  It makes testing of my videos so much easier when they are already rewound.  It's only one step taken out of the process, but it makes a big difference.

What is interesting is the video that my Mum had handed me to test.  It was a recorded video - when I looked at the title it said "Karina & Jonathan's Wedding."   I know it is a very amateur video that my cousin's wife took on her video camera on the day.  We had no professional videographer back then!

It was a poignant moment for me, because the other week I had been thinking of the videos I donated when I moved house three years ago.  I was thinking how much I could sell them for now - and then my mind slid sideways to the wedding video.   Mine was inexplicably damaged three years ago when I accidentally dropped it to the concrete, stomped on it ten times, and threw the pathetic remains in the rubbish bin.

I might just get the video off my parents and look at the me of 20 years ago.  Did I look happy?    Was I excited at what lay ahead?   Was I ever that young and innocent?    It would be nice to see the people there who have now passed away, those I'd like to see again - and those I hope never to see again.   I won't be looking at it until my 3 months of no-alcohol is over - there is still 7 weeks to go.

Oh and more importantly, did my wedding dress really look like a toilet roll cover?    Bwahahhaa!

Ah, memories ....

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