Saturday, 11 February 2012

This Week's Finds

I have been slack with my blogging this week - but now it's Saturday which I consider my day off.   I have had lunch with the parents, and Mum has some new tiny people clothing to de-stain.   :-)

This week has been a good one in sales - but I'll talk about them tomorrow.    I have found a few interesting things.  I have gone out of my comfort zone and bought some children's toys.  Not little ones - but great big honking ones that run on batteries.  I don't even want to think about packing them for postage, and I haven't even tested these to see if they work, and I certainly haven't looked at the completed's for these.  They sit in the corner mocking me, but I am determined to get through my mountains of unlisted Videos and Books that have been there for anywhere up to 6 months.

Here they are.  These ones costed me $1 each.

This little thing costed me 50 cents.   No books with it unfortunately.

I pounced on this.  It screamed retro-80s at me.  It costed me $3.  When I did some research, I realised that there is supposed to be a booklet that it comes with that actually allows you to *use* the blasted thing.   It just beeps and flashes and me when I press the buttons and I'm beginning to wonder if it would fit down the loo.  Not sure if it's worth putting up on its own.

I saw this and it was New in the Box, so I forked out $3.    When I got home and pressed the "Try Me" button all I heard was the sound of crickets, and some choice swear words.  I've never heard of this show.   I don't want to take it out of the packaging to test it.    I will probably regret buying this one.

Yay, yay!  I snapped this one up.  The Nightmare game is a good seller, and even though I forked out $4, I know I can get at least $20 for this.   This one is in very good condition, so maybe more.

At $2 I couldn't go past the 2000 Sydney Olympics Edition Scrabble.    This is also in nice condition.

When I was at my Salvos this morning, I saw this game and passed it by - because it was $5.   All their games are $5 or more and they are NEVER half price.   *grumble grumble*.     I thought I'd go home and research it first - my purse has been on a severe diet lately!     Well, then I found these in the completeds:

Aarrgghh!  That's what I get for being a tight-wad.   And you know I will be scuttling back there on Monday morning when they re-open.  Did I place that game at the bottom of the pile, and put others games on top to hide it?   *looking shifty*   Maybe I did ... Maybe I didn't.     (Hint:  I did   ;-))

I found this little iron trivet  - 50 cents - isn't he just gorgeous!!  This one is not leaving the house.  He will look nice sitting up against the wall on the kitchen bench.  I will NOT be placing hot things on his little birdy face.

Those were the only interesting things I got apart from more books and videos.  I had some interesting sales, and I will share them with you tomorrow - with perhaps some more information on what videos to look for.   I love videos now, they are boosting my sales figures.  I'm not sure if kids toys will be my forte, but I am dipping my toe in the pond.  It's a little tepid.   :-p


  1. The iCarly toy should sell-it's a popular kids tv show in America.Maybe it just need fresh batteries or something.

  2. I agree with spymay on the iCarly game. The fourth toy down that looks like a puppy I believe they only sell for $20 brand new and I dont think they are good sellers. I remember looking them up in January. love the owl
