Sunday, 2 December 2012

Favourite Sales So Far

Oh dear, I meant to list my best sales every 1-2 weeks, and now almost a month has slid sneakily by.   Whoops!

My board games saved my bacon the past few weeks.   They are selling very quickly, probably being brought up for the Christmas/school holidays coming up.   Some bulk book lots have done well too.

I was also indundated with a dearth of twit buyers, blatantly ignoring the fact the I had no 'pickup' option selected in my payment option, and mention NO PICKUPS in the listing.    They just buy the item, and then email me telling me when they can pick it up.   I'm not having a stranger come to my house to make $7 on a book, thanks very much, Mr & Mrs Twit.

My favourite sellers were these:

Vintage Test Match Board Game By John Sands ~ *VGC* ~ Cricket.  

Bought for $2.50.   Listed on 4 Nov
Sold:  $53.99 on 6 Nov.

Scene It Friends Edition DVD Game ~ Like New ~ Cards Still Sealed ~ Unused

I love it when I find a Friends Scene It game.  Picked up at the Salvos for a reasonable price (!!!!), and some parts of it were still sealed.   A very fast flip.    

Bought for $2.99.   Listed on 10 Nov.
Sold for $55  on 11 Nov.

Josephine Cox - Bulk Lot of 7 x Paperbacks

Bought for $1.40.   Listed on 15 Oct.
Sold for $17.99 on 7 Nov.

Chelsea Football Club - 6 x PAL VHS Videos ~Bulk Lot ~ Soccer 

Bought for $3.  Listed on 18 Nov.
Sold for $19.99 on 24 Nov.

This sale is very welcome, just to get rid of these videos.  I had them listed separately, but they weren't selling, so I threw them all together.   I was sick of the looking at the gormless faces on the cover with their mouths gaping in wonder at their ability to kick a ball around on a grassy field and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for it.


Of course a newbie has bought these.   I have had to hassle him to pay after day 6.   We'll see if he actually does.
I want these GONE!

Vintage Scrabble Game Set ~ 1955 ~ 100% Complete ~ *VGC* ~ Wooden Racks

Bought for $2.  Listed on 9 Nov.
Sold for $35.99 on 16 Nov.

Scotland Yard Vintage Board Game ~ 1983 ~ Contents in VGC ~ 100% Complete

Bought for $2.  Listed on 20 Nov.
Sold for $23.99 on 22 Nov.

I ALWAYS pickup Virginia (V.C.) Andrews books.  They will always be popular.  I list them in an entire series, and can usually get the books 20 cents each.   They are always a sure seller.

Virginia V. C. Andrew Complete Cutler Family Series ~ Set of 5 Books

Bought for $1.50.   Listed on 10 Nov.
Sold for $16.50 on 25 Nov.

This last sale has more than a tinge of sadness.  I've had this bulk lot of Bryce Courtenay books up for about 2 months.   He sadly passed away from cancer recently.

The next day, all my Bryce Courtenay books sold.

Bulk Lot of 6 x Bryce Courtenay Books ~ Four Fires/Matthew Flinders Cat/Tandia +

Bought for $2 ?.   Listed on 7 Nov.
Sold for $17.99 on 23 Nov.

I would rather have the books still for sale, and the lovely man still here to write more books.   :-(

You have been wonderful too, Mr Courtenay.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Favourite Buys This Week

I thought I'd try listing my favourite buys.  Mine are not as exciting as on other blogs.  I have no posh brand-name clothing or rare china.  Generally, my sales are lower in price, so not as exciting.   I wasn't going to bother, but then I thought - hey, we all have different niches - you might learn something.

So here goes.   I did pick up some rare higher-profit items this week.

I am quickly finding that board games are becoming my big sellers, and the biggest profit makers for me.     With trial and error, I'm finally learning which ones are bombs, and which are good for a quick buck or as good-profit sellers.

The trick is to find places that sell them at a price where you can make a decent profit.    I went into a nearby Salvation Army yesterday, and they had Risk Game - the Lord of the Rings Edition.   This is the first time I've ever seen a Risk game after reading so much about them on eBay Underground.   I jumped on the box and looked at the price - $8.   *snort*   I looked at all little fiddly pieces inside, and put it back.   No way was I investing that money on something that hadn't even been checked to see if it was complete.   When I got home, I searched completed's just in case, and used ones were only selling for $20 maximum.   So I'm very glad I didn't get it.

Then they had this game for $2.99.    I pounced on it before someone else did.  VERY conservatively priced for the Salvos, which is a surprise.

This is a good seller in Australia.  I have sold a copy before for a very good price. This game still had the cards in the shrink wrap, so it hadn't been played.    I put it up yesterday, and now I'm waiting for a bite.

My sister very nicely found me this game at the Animal Shelter Op Shop for $2.50.   It was in pristine condition inside.  Now I KNOW this one is rare, and you can get a good price.    I put it up, and it actually SOLD for full price the next day.

I love finding old Scrabble games that still have all the wooden tile holders.   I grabbed this one, even though I didn't count the tiles.  You just sell the tile holders for about $10 and keep the tiles as spares.
As it turned out, all the tiles were there, and the board was in excellent condition.

I bought 6 games at $1 each :

~ Twister (already sold)
~ Atmosfear (incomplete - for spare parts - also had lots of cards for a different Atmosfear game)
~ Nightmare (incomplete - for spare parts)
~ Trivial Pursuit For Kids
~ Payday
~ Pass the Bomb

I had a good look at my huge pile of games, and decided to have a clean out.    There was some games that I was only selling on Quicksales, because it was free to list there.   I've had these for more than a year.  There was also a couple that were incomplete - sitting in my What To Do With pile.   I ended up getting rid of about 10 games.  I also naughtily trashed the games for spare parts - coloured dice, playing tokens, egg-timers and small pencils.

So I took a boot-load of stuff and put it in the donation bin this morning.
It feels good to have a clean-out, and make space for money-generating games.

Just for a change, I grabbed this NWT doll - which I now know is Agnes from Despicable Me.   It costed me about 25 cents.

Doing research I see somebody selling them for $10 each (NWT) and they're only selling about every third one.   So no huge profit there.

I'm also focussing on quirkier or vintage children's books.  These are the ones I found this week.

I remember reading this book as a child.  It's from 1982.  Cost = 10 cents.

Surprisingly, there are NO copies of this up for sale, nor have any sold in the last three months.

I always pick up vintage illustrated books on Aboriginal Legends.  This one is a 1st edition, published in 1972.    Cost = 10 cents

There are two for sale on eBay at the moment - both for about $17.

These two are so cute.  Published in 1961 & 1963.  Costed 10 cents each.

I can't find any of these up for sale on eBay or sold in the past 3 months.  One book in the "Whitman Learn About" series is up for $9 at the moment.

Bum Buy Of the Week

Yes, I did it, I tried to expand my horizons to children's toys - again.  I spent one day looking at Completed's for children's toys.   There was too much to choose from, so I zeroed in on Fisher Price toys only.    I decided to start at my favourite local Op Shop.   They have a room full of toys - we are talking floor to ceiling.  I instantly got overwhelmed.   Kids screaming, toys laid out on the floor as a waiting death traps.      All my best intentions instantly fled.

Then I spotted these:

Oh joy.  Wiggles products.  An easy choice.    These were probably under a $1 each in total.
At another Op Shop, I bought a little kids cassette player thing with microphone attached (not in photograph).

Got them home and tested them.  Cassette player didn't work.  One guitar didn't work.  Other guitar had 2 buttons stuck down and one button didn't work.   Accordion DID work.

Unless I carry around a range of batteries in different sizes, and a screwdriver (not going to happen), I think I'd better steer clear of those things.     Useless things got binned so nobody else spent money on trash.

Star Buy Of the Week

There were actually a few this week, so hard to choose.    That wonderful item that you saw, that gave you a naughty tingling in your bits.

At my favourite (local) op shop I rolled up to the bric-a-brac area and there, glistening in the early morning sun - is a HUGE plastic container with the sign "FREE VIDEOS."    I stopped for a  moment, and did deep-breathing exercises.    The lady that works there came out the door and spotted me.    "Ah, the Veeeedio Laydee" she says (she is Dutch).   "Take them.  Take them all.  Free - all yours.  We have too many.    No room."    I felt that I should buy something (well, I bought those children's toys and games) and took them to the car.    I snaffled all the good ones for nothing.    There was 16 videos.    Happy days!    

NOTE:   In Op Shops,  I am known as the "Veeedio Laydee".  Other places I am known as the "Book Lady."   Most other places, I am known as "That Weirdo."

Friday, 9 November 2012

Australian + American = embrace the differences!

Back in another life I worked as a Test Coordinator on an Australian Government project.  As part of this project, we had quite a few US compatriots come over from Lockheed Martin.

All of a sudden our boring Government office was taken over by loud, vibrant, live-life-to-the-full co-workers.   They were a varied bunch, mainly men, and they were all very loud and very very sociable.  They arranged barbecues on the weekend, and went out together for lunch every day.  They cracked open cans of Coke at 7am.   They LOVED their food.   When they invited me along, I was in seventh heaven.  It was so exciting, they wanted to eat with little ole me!! 

One of them cooked a huge pot of chili in the lunchroom and stunk the office out for a week.    Did I try eating any of it?  You betcha - I didn't!

Another US work-mate brought bagels every friday morning from his local Jewish bakery.  They were delicious, not like the rubber ones we buy from the supermarket.   I wasn't a member of his team, so I would crawl between the cubicles ninja-style and snaffle one from the plate (with cream cheese!) 

My fondest memory, is seeing one of the food-lovers go to the vending machine in the lunch-room and buy a packet of chips.  He stood in front of the vending machine, tore open the packet and poured the lot down his gullet right there and then.   This man had the hugest pair of pants I've ever seen and his braces were still under a great deal of strain.   Ah, good times.

My boss was US ex-military.  He wore one of those huge military academy rings.   His shoulders were 4 feet wide, and he was very fit.   He could probably do push-ups using only his pinkies.

He was a very nice man, but he intimidated the hell out of me.   Every now and then, he'd come up to me and drawl :

"Karina.  What's happenin?   What's goin' on?"

I would shiver in the corner like a chihuahua confronted with a doberman and nervously reel off all the things I had achieved that day, only JUST managing not to wee myself or swallow my tongue.

On the day that my boss left, he told me that when he said those words to me, it was only his way of saying "hi."  No information was necessary.

Doh!   Aussie-US communication fail!

One of my other US co-workers said to me that Australians were lazy, that we shortened everything so we didn't have to say the whole word.    "You even shorten Australian to Strine," he said.

I thought about it, and practised the word, and he was right.  This man was magnificent.  He was a marvel!  Had anybody else noticed that!!!

Well, of course they had.   But I only found out about this a couple of months ago, when I was listing a book on eBay by Monica Dickens.

From the Wikipedia listing for Monica Dickens:

In late 1964 Dickens was visiting Australia to promote her works. It was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald on 30 November 1964 that during a book signing session in Sydney she had been approached by a woman who handed her a copy of her book and enquired, presumably in a broad Australian accent, "How much is it?". Dickens reportedly misheard this as an instruction as to the name which she should include in the inscription ("Emma Chisit") and thus was born the phenomenon of "Strine" which filled the newspaper's letter columns and subsequently was the subject of a separate weekly article and, later, a series of humorous books

Strine!!!   I love that story.

So as part of my blog, I thought I might gently educate you on some Aussie slang, just in case you visit our great southern land, or meet one of us in your own. 

Don't worry, there's no sharks/spiders/sting-rays/snakes lurking on my blog!

(FYI, I live between the convicts and the giant spiders).

I'll start you off with these ones to prevent any "awkward moments" at the beach.

If you're at the beach and somebody tells you they saw a "bondi cigar / brown-eyed mullet / blind mullet" - they're not offering you a cigarette or pointing out a rare fish - someone has done a turd in the water.  Beware!

If mention is made of "white pointers", they're not talking about sharks, they're talking about women bathing topless.  Either avert your eyes or perve, depending on your own preferences.

If is man is wearing small, tight bathers (eg. Speedos) - he is officially guilty of being a "budgie-smuggler".   Again, either avert your eyes, or perve, or even point and laugh, depending on your own preferences.

I'm so proud of how classy our language is, I'm getting all emotional right now.   Look, I've squeezed out a tear.  Let me just get my snot-rag *ahem* hankie, and wipe that away.

Now maybe some of my US or even Canadian friends can help clear up some things that bewilder me when reading books or looking at TV shows set in the US.

"Cream in your coffee."   I mean, it's not really "cream" is it?  That sweet stuff that you serve with hot apple pies?   Are they referring to milk?    If so, then what do you call milk?

"Biscuits".  I don't know how many books I've read, where someone serves up a hot meal with biscuits.   Here, biscuits are what you call cookies.   So what are biscuits, and why are they served with a hot meal?

Hopefully, here we can gain some further understanding and bring our cultures closer together, with a very heavy dose of humour.   (Instead of just so many WTF moments)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Remote Control BOLO

Remote controls - do they control your life or just the TV/Video/DVD player.   

Answer :  All of the above.

If you are an anti-socialite like me, your idea of a good night out,  is sitting at home in front of the TV with lots of remotes laid out on the armrest of your chair - and lots of TV shows lined up to look at.

Back in a previous life, I had Pay TV.   The main one here is Foxtel.    The unit has its own special remote.   Once that remote gets knackered, you have to fork out $69.95 for a special new Foxtel remote at a bricks & mortar electronics store.

That is what happened to my old remote.  I never dreamed of buying a new one.    The only one I had was destructo-delecto.

This was the culprit:

This is Horris, or has I call her, Horris the Horror.    Now look at the size of that beak !!!

Nothing is more delicious to a parrot than something that can be destroyed.  The bigger mess it makes the better.

And nothing was more delicious than those little rubber buttons on the remote control.   I don't know how long the remote was used with only a nubbin of rubber for the Power button.     With a parrot you can't say "spit it out", or wait around inspecting their poopies for the missing rubber piece to appear.  

It had been well chewed and turned to rubber dust.   She ate so much rubber off our 4 remotes, that I wouldn't have been surprised if she started bouncing off the walls.   Having said that, I think the + on the Volume Button is still inside her because she is getting louder every day.

Of course the same thing can occur with other animals - such as dogs that love to chew - or male humans that need something gnaw on when the winning team (kicking a ball endlessly backwards and forwards around a grassy field) is not wearing the right colours on their jumper.

Given that I now know that the price of a new remote was $69.95, I would have thought twice before buying a new one, and providing my parrot with some more rubber in her diet.   I would never have even thought about looking on eBay for a replacement.  On there they are a *lot* cheaper than $69.95.    Those who are willing to wait for a sale can get up to $35 for a brand new one.

This I found out, after research,  when my younger brother.  He mentioned that he had a few Foxtel remotes lying around, from a job where he picked up Foxtel units from people who could not long afford Pay TV.   

Could I see if they would sell and we could go halves?  Surely!

I was surprised when I saw they were selling - even skanky ones.  I was handed about 8 remotes - ranging in condition from As New to Good (ie. slightly nibbled on).     I was taking a chance with these, as I had no way to test them to see if they were working.

I put up the two As New ones .  The first one sold within an hour.  The other not long after.

The others in Very Good Condition all sold within one day of listing.

Yesterday I put up a older-style, slightly skanky one that was a bit nibbled, just for a hoot. It sold within 15 minutes.

Total in Sales So Far:   Just over $100 - less about $8 pimping costs from eBay.   That's nearly $45 each.  Not too shabby for something that costed nothing in the first place.   These things were a VERY quick turnover.

I priced mine to sell quickly.    There was lots of competition with other remotes - new and used.  I could hold out for more, but eBay is my only income and I need the money NOW.

I've still got a few left to list, but unfortunately my brother's stock-pile has gone.   I weep to think of all the remotes that he had returned and not stock-piled.   Oh well, at least it's a BOLO for my next Op Shopping visits.

I'm sure you have your own Pay TV remotes in your own area, that could also be good sellers if you can get your hot little hands on them.

I told my brother to visit all his millions of friends and "accidentally" purloin their Foxtel remotes.

He laughed.

I think he thought I was joking.   :-0

Friday, 12 October 2012

Remember me .... ?

Remember me?

It's been a long time since my last blog.   Naughty, naughty me.    Have I been getting up to mischief and shenanigans, seeing as I have been too busy to even write my blog for nearly three months?
Umm ...  no.

You know that saying "When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going."

That absolutely, positively and definitely does NOT describe me.

I have been going through a boo-hoo, oh-woe-is-me, what's-the-use couple of months.

My new attempts at increasing my sales on the internet had seemed so good at the time.  I was vibrating with enthusiasm and chock-full of zealousness   

Instead of increasing my sales, all that ended up getting me was a strange feeling in my colon.

My 3 selling venues:

1)    Aaah Quicksales -  Quicksales, aka PissWeakSales.   I had been working madly, copying my listings over.   I was SO proud of myself.    The number there is now approaching 400 items.   Total sales in the last 10 weeks = 1 board game @ $9.99 and one book that ended up being a non-payer.

2)   Fishpond - the Amazon-wannabe online store where I sent in 3 huge boxes of books/DVDs.    The postage cost was nearly $20 a box, making a total of nearly $60.   This would be taken from the initial sales - so no cash outlay was necessary.   Sounded great, right?   They weren't sitting in my house, and I didn't have to worry about sending them.

They entered the items I'd send, and then from my end, I changed the prices to what I wanted for each item.

Well, at some point they decided to change the pricing structure to "generate quicker sales and cash for customers like me".     This was done without any communication to me.    This change meant that all the prices that I had put in on my items were replaced with a different price, guaranteed to move the item quickly.

You bet they moved quickly - faster than a zombie with an empty tummy - confronted with a member of Mensa.

 Here are some examples of the prices I got for items before I cottoned on to their new "pricing structure".

Serenity DVD   -   83 cents
Happy Elf DVD  -   65 cents
Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Box set   -  78 cents
Bridget Jones Diary DVD  -  79 cents
The Net DVD  -  79 cents
V for Vendetta DVD -   99 cents

Can you see why they were flying off the shelves!!!!   A lot of those were my own DVDs that I had very reluctantly parted with in an effort to try and get some more money to pay bills.  They were in Like New condition.

I WAS SO MAD!!!!    A lot of my items have sold, but my sales have only just paid off the postage and a whole $10 has been paid to me so far after nearly 3 months.    Can you hear the steam spurting from my ears????

They have a new policy now, where if any more items are sent in "you cannot ask your own price, Fishpond will set the price for you to move your stock quickly."    Did I mention that they get 17% commission for each sale - and take that out of the postage as well as the item.   So they don't really care if it sells for .99 cents.    I will no longer be sending anything there.   I had hopes for this selling venue, so I am very disappointed.

3)  eBay.  Sales still plummeting.   Then I got an email telling me that the cost of my store was rising from $29.95/month to $49.95 a month.   The email noted that eBay wanted to (in my own words) - "weed out the little man, and encourage the larger sellers" - hence the rise in fees.  The email suggested that I take a Webinar to increase my store's exposure to make it stand out from the '1000's of other stores on eBay."    Bah humbug!

I am gradually going through this video on Youtube, that was mentioned by Rachel on Ebay Underground.   This has some great tips - and I'm only about 20 minutes in so far.  It tells you how to Optimise and Market Your Ebay Store.   There are some other Ebay videos on there that look  helpful too.

I have given up on the adult clothing idea.  Didn't do so well there.    Lots of the clothing ended up having something wrong, such as a stain or tear, or pant legs that had been cunningly shortened in such a neat way that it wasn't easy to tell in the shop.    I am anal about clothing being perfect.  I was getting seriously stressed and out of my comfort zone.  So I got those clothes and took them back.   If I can't see them, I can't feel guilty.

On a lighter note.   As you know, my Mum is the clothing cleaner / ironing specialist.   When I gave her this pair of men's/youth's shorts, she cleaned and ironed them very nicely.

When I picked them up, she pointed out the tear on one leg with a shocked look on her face.

And mentioned what a shoddy job somebody had done of sewing it up.   She said she was going to have a go at doing it herself, but decided it was too hard.

Bwahahahahahaa!    I told her it was meant to look like that.

Her face was a sight to behold.

Sooo, lower sales = lower cash to spend on stock.  So my next blog will talk about what cheaper items I am picking up to stock my shop.

Until them, I am head down, bum up - listing, listing, listing !!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Wandering out of my comfort zone ...

After much contemplation of my navel (bellybutton lint up for sale soon!), and advice from other sellers, I took my first scary step into the world of adult clothing.  And when I say adult, I don't mean bras with tassles on the nipples.
Whoops, now where did he saunter in from?  

I followed some advice from my awesome new mentor, Ms Maggie and chose a non-scary item to start with - men's jeans.

I did the search for completed and found the top $ sellers in "used" men's jeans in Australia are:

True Religion
RM Williams
G Star
Tsubi Ksubi Dee Dee  (try saying that when you're drunk)

Following along in the decent sale range were:


Looking at sizing - some were rarer than others  - for example a lot less of Size 44 was up for sale - when I looked at the completeds for them - of the 31 listed - 26 of them had sold.   Interesting.

So I trotted off to my local Op Shop with $5 in my moth-infested purse.   This is a community-run op shop rather than a big name charity.   One plastic bag of clothing is $5.   I thought this was a good place to learn without having the fork out the huge amounts of the prices at the big name op shops such as Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul or Brotherhood of St Laurence.

It made it easier focussing on just one item.    I shuffled through the jeans with the list above in mind.   There was an awful lot of boring generic jeans (probably 80%) such as  Target and Kmart jeans which I rejected.  And some that looked like the owner had been fired out of a cannon whilst wearing them.    It was simple for my tiny brain because I was not over-whelmed with too many things to look through.  

I got a few pairs of jeans and then had a quick look at the shorts and a shuffle through the shirts (don't know anything about men's shirts yet!).

On the way home I drove past the local Salvos store with my nose in the air (it could have been my finger - sorry!)  Then the local St Vinnies had a red sign in the window saying "Sale" - so I thought I'd have a quick peek.

I sneered at their high-priced jeans muttering about highway robbery like a grumpy old bag.   Then I saw the sign above the books section.   Any 2 books for $1.   I hyperventilated.   I grabbed a salesperson, and they said - yes, any book - hardback, large or small.    I probably gave a moan of pain, because a woman peeked out from behind the crockery and stared at me.

I dug in my purse - empty.  I dug around in my handbag - empty.   I stuck a couple of fingers in my jeans pocket - and came out with $2.   Score!    I trotted out the door with 4 books in a bag.

I'm never going to be able to keep away from books.

This is what was in the bag of clothes that I got for $5.
First was the only pair of Levis on the rack - these are Levi Strauss 508.  Are these red-tab because of the label on the pocket?  These are in nice condition - and don't show any wear at all, except on the label on the back.   I'm confused by the sizing which is 78 - possibly this is American sizing?  I must rustle myself up a sizing comparison chart between different countries.
Looking these up when I got home, they don't look high on the wish-lists.  Not many for sale - and seem to sell rarely.  Going price between $10 - 20.  

These are Target brand longer shorts - but then I noticed the Tony Hawk on the label.  He's a famous skateboarder, so I assume these are skate-shorts.  These are in nice condition.  The colour is more a grey denim.
There are NO men's Tony Hawk shorts on ebay, only Boys, so I might have a chance with these.

These are Industrie brand.  I don't know why I picked these up, I just "thought" the brand sounded popular?   These are in nice condition except for wear on the bottom of the cuffs.
Looking up the Industrie web-site, their jeans go for $100.  But these don't have the right label.  Perhaps an older pair.  These are very normal looking jeans, with nothing to make them stand out.  There are no completeds on these - they are all the newer tagged ones.  These are probably a different Industrie label altogether.  

These are Saltwater long shorts.  I've never heard of this brand, but these were funky-looking shorts, with pre-made slashes, and a cool decal label on one leg.  These show a very small amount of wear.
Looking at Completeds only shows some very boring Saltwater brand jeans that are not even selling for $2.  Interesting.

Wrangler wasn't on my list either, but it seemed to ring a bell so I picked up these brown pants.   These have no size tag on them.  Made in Mexico of US fabric.  These are brown pants - not denim, but a heavy fabric with a bit of a weave on it.  Chinos?
All it has is this weird half-missing tattoo inside and this label that I can't figure out.   Can anybody help with the sizing from this tag, or is it useless?
My final item, was the only top that I could recognize.  This top is actually grey.  It's an XL size - but I think it might be a boy's shirt, as it's really not *that* big to me.   This says its a Majestic Dodgers Major Baseball League Genuine Merchandise.  It has no marks or wear.
There is nothing to compare this with on Ebay Australia - either sold or currently for sale.  Maybe a good pickup.

Now I have to wash these clothing, and hope that my iron still works.  It hasn't been used in a few years!!!

These are my books that I got.    
The two Terry Brooks are brand new.   Juicing books are very popular at the moment, as are self-sufficiency books.  I've already listed all these and hope to get $38 in total after sales.

So that was my baby-steps in jeans.   I can't see that I found any sure-fire winners, but at least I tried, right?

might need a stiff drink (or 3 or 4) to recover.